Disney Junior's Ariel is an enchanting new animated series inspired by The Little Mermaid, featuring a diverse and inclusive underwater kingdom of Atlantica. Join Ariel on her journey of self-discovery as she uses her voice for positive change. Coming soon to Disney Junior!
Introducing Disney Junior's Ariel: A Magical Animated Series
Disney Junior is expanding its franchise with an exciting new animated series called Disney Junior's Ariel. This enchanting series is aimed at preschoolers and draws inspiration from the beloved story of The Little Mermaid. Get ready to dive into a world under the sea like never before!
The trailer for Disney Junior's Ariel introduces us to a young and vibrant Ariel, full of life and curiosity. With her shimmering tail, she embarks on new adventures alongside familiar characters like King Triton and Ursula. This delightful series promises to captivate young viewers with its magical and diverse underwater kingdom.
A Multicultural Underwater Kingdom: Atlantica
Disney Junior's Ariel is set in the fantastical underwater kingdom of Atlantica, which takes inspiration from the vibrant Caribbean. This animated series embraces the multicultural diversity of the region through elements like fashion, music, food, festivals, language, and folklore. Prepare to be immersed in a world where inclusivity and diversity shine!
In Atlantica, viewers will join Ariel on her journey of self-discovery as she learns to appreciate the world around her. Through her adventures, Ariel will use her voice to inspire others, highlighting the importance of using one's voice for positive change. The series showcases the power of diversity and the beauty of different cultures coming together.
A Stellar Voice Cast and Musical Delights
Disney Junior's Ariel features a talented voice cast that brings the beloved characters to life. Mykal-Michelle Harris takes on the role of Ariel, while Taye Diggs lends his voice to King Triton, and Amber Riley portrays Ursula. With their unique flair, these actors infuse the series with personality and charm.
As an animated musical series, Disney Junior's Ariel will also treat viewers to delightful songs and catchy tunes. Get ready to sing along with Ariel and her friends as they embark on their underwater adventures. The music will surely add an extra layer of magic to the series!
A New Generation of Fairytales
Disney Junior's Ariel is part of Disney's ongoing efforts to revive classic fairytales for a new generation of audiences. Following the success of last year's live-action adaptation of The Little Mermaid, this animated series aims to continue the trend. Executive produced by Lynne Southerland, known for her work on Happily Ever After, Disney Junior's Ariel promises to capture the hearts of both children and adults alike.
While an official release date for Disney Junior's Ariel has yet to be announced, fans can enjoy the live-action adaptation of The Little Mermaid, available for streaming on Disney+. Stay tuned for updates on the premiere date of this magical and captivating animated series!