Hairy Biker Si King Shares Positive Update Following Co-Host's Death

Hairy Biker Si King expresses devastation over the death of co-host Dave Myers but assures fans that he will continue to keep in touch through social media. Si also announces plans to make appearances at food festivals throughout the summer.

Hairy Biker Si King: A Positive Update Amidst Grief

Hairy Biker Si King Shares Positive Update Following Co-Host's Death - -266255869

( Credit to: Walesonline )

Hairy Biker Si King recently took to Instagram to provide fans with an update and share some positive news following the untimely death of his friend and co-host, Dave Myers. Si expressed his devastation over Dave's passing at the age of 66 after battling cancer. Despite the loss, Si assured fans that he will continue to keep in touch through the Hairy Bikers' social media accounts and update them on future events and projects.

Si also shared some good news with his followers, announcing that he plans to make appearances at several food festivals throughout the summer. This will give fans an opportunity to connect with Si and show their support during this difficult time.

Honoring Dave Myers: Fortnum & Mason Food Personality of the Year Award

In his Instagram post, Si mentioned the Fortnum & Mason Food Personality of the Year Award, which he and Dave were nominated for the fourth consecutive year. He revealed that Dave took great pride in this award, as it is voted for by their loyal followers and fans. Si encouraged everyone to vote for them using the link provided in their stories.

Fans were quick to express their support and condolences to Si. One user, bentzensemporium, encouraged Si to continue sharing his cooking and memories of his cherished friendship with Dave. Another user, Constant mother, thanked Si for his post and expressed sympathy for the difficult period he is going through. Dawn, another fan, shared that she still watches their programs and feels saddened by the evident love between Si and Dave. L1hwr mentioned watching the recent series, "Hairy Bikers Go West," and described it as emotional and brilliant, celebrating the joyous friendship and life shared by Si and Dave.

Si King: Connecting with Fans at Food Festivals

Si's update on social media serves as a reminder of the enduring impact Dave had on both his fans and those who worked closely with him. As Si continues to honor his friend's memory, he will undoubtedly receive an outpouring of support from the Hairy Bikers' loyal following.

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