Mixed Reviews for International Brewing and Cider Festival in Manchester

Attendees at the International Brewing and Cider Festival in Manchester have expressed mixed reviews, with some disappointed by the atmosphere and limited beer selection. Despite these complaints, the festival organizers maintain that the event was well attended and offered a wide variety of drinks.

Mixed Reviews for International Brewing and Cider Festival in Manchester

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( Credit to: Manchestereveningnews )

The International Brewing and Cider Festival, held at Depot Mayfield in Manchester over the weekend, has received mixed reviews from attendees. Some festival-goers have dubbed it the 'Wonka of beer festivals,' while others have expressed disappointment with the event's atmosphere and alleged limited beer selection.

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( Credit to: Manchestereveningnews )

Organized for the first time, the festival boasted over 100 brewers and cider mills, aiming to showcase the largest collection of beers and ciders in the UK, if not Europe. However, some attendees have taken to social media to voice their dissatisfaction with the festival. One person described it as 'one of the worst events for beer that I have ever been to,' while another criticized the lack of atmosphere.

Richard Leonard, who attended the event, criticized the organization, saying, 'The term 'Couldn't organize a **** up in a brewery' was made for this festival.' He also mentioned that the signage for the beers was too small to read, and the staff pouring the drinks had little knowledge about the offerings. Additionally, some brewers had reportedly packed up and left before the festival's end.

Mark Christie echoed Leonard's sentiments, stating that the event was one of the worst he had ever attended. He also expressed disappointment with the lack of international beers, as all the beers available were from the UK.

Attendance and Organization

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( Credit to: Manchestereveningnews )

The International Brewing and Cider Festival in Manchester attracted around 800 people across four sessions. Despite the mixed reviews, the festival organizers emphasized that the event was well attended and offered a diverse range of drinks.

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( Credit to: Manchestereveningnews )

However, some attendees expressed dissatisfaction with the festival's organization. Richard Leonard criticized the festival's signage and the lack of knowledge among the staff pouring the drinks. Some brewers even left before the festival's scheduled closing time.

Simon Robinson, an events promoter and festival organizer, acknowledged the professional setup and production of the festival but noted the lack of attendees and flat atmosphere. He expressed sympathy for the breweries that had traveled long distances to showcase their beers.

Beer Selection and Atmosphere

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( Credit to: Manchestereveningnews )

One of the main points of contention among attendees was the limited beer selection at the International Brewing and Cider Festival. Some festival-goers expressed disappointment with the lack of international beers, as all the available options were from the UK.

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( Credit to: Manchestereveningnews )

Additionally, some attendees felt that the festival lacked atmosphere. Mark Christie described it as one of the worst events he had ever attended, while others took to social media to voice their dissatisfaction.

Despite these complaints, the festival organizers maintained that they showcased a wide variety of drinks, with 93 different cask beers and over 400 bottled and canned beers and ciders available.

Apologies and Future Opportunities

The International Brewing & Cider Festival, a not-for-profit trade organization representing the brewing and beverage industry, apologized for any negative experiences and acknowledged that there were learning opportunities for future events.

The organizers mentioned that they adapted throughout the two days to improve the festival experience. While there were some issues, they emphasized the festival's wide variety of drinks and the attendance of 800 people.


The International Brewing and Cider Festival in Manchester received mixed reviews from attendees. While some praised it as the 'Wonka of beer festivals,' others expressed disappointment with the atmosphere and limited beer selection.

The festival attracted around 800 people and showcased a diverse range of drinks, but some attendees criticized the organization, lack of international beers, and flat atmosphere. The festival organizers acknowledged the issues and apologized for any negative experiences, highlighting the learning opportunities for future events.

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