The Essence of St. Patrick's Day: Celebrating Irish Heritage Abroad

Discover the significance of St. Patrick's Day for Irish people living abroad, as they proudly showcase their heritage and keep the spirit of their homeland alive through festive celebrations.

The Essence of St. Patrick's Day: Celebrating Irish Heritage Abroad

The Essence of St. Patrick's Day: Celebrating Irish Heritage Abroad - 234407244

( Credit to: Manchestereveningnews )

St. Patrick's Day, a widely celebrated holiday across the globe, holds a special place in the hearts of people with Irish heritage. With over 80 million individuals claiming Irish descent, the Irish diaspora is one of the largest in the world. For those living abroad, this festive occasion becomes an opportunity to embrace their roots through music, dance, and traditional cuisine. However, it is important to remember that St. Patrick's Day was initially established to honor St. Patrick, one of Ireland's patron saints, who played a significant role in introducing Christianity to the island.

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( Credit to: Manchestereveningnews )

Contrary to the vibrant and exuberant celebrations witnessed in different countries, St. Patrick's Day is relatively lowkey in its country of origin, Ireland. As a native Irish person who has experienced the traditional festivities both at home and abroad, I can attest to the stark contrast in the celebrations. In Ireland, the day is primarily a family-oriented celebration, aimed at educating children about the country's history, promoting the Irish language, and preserving the rich cultural heritage.

A Lowkey Celebration in Ireland

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( Credit to: Manchestereveningnews )

Reflecting on my own childhood experiences, I recall participating in local parades with fellow musicians, whether skilled or not, who played instruments such as the fiddle, tin whistle, or drums. These parades featured primary school students proudly displaying the tricolor flag, Gaelic football and hurling teams in their respective colors, and creatively designed floats, often inspired by political figures or significant Irish events. Clad in capes, shamrocks, and comically oversized hats, we would march through the village, playing the same marching tunes repeatedly, braving the cold weather.

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( Credit to: Manchestereveningnews )

The real enjoyment of St. Patrick's Day would commence after the parade, as we would gather with friends at the local football pitch. Eventually, we would be summoned home to enjoy a hearty meal, which could range from a roast dinner, shepherd's pie, coddle, or various types of stews, including the coveted Guinness beef stew. This emphasis on family, food, and cultural traditions truly captures the essence of St. Patrick's Day in Ireland.

A Different Experience Abroad

Now as an adult, I have come to realize that Irish people generally have mixed feelings about parades. The day often revolves around maneuvering through crowds of tourists in the city center or avoiding local parades in order to head straight to the pub. A viral interview with an Irish man in 2016 perfectly encapsulated this sentiment, as he expressed his disdain for the holiday in a rather colorful manner. It is evident that St. Patrick's Day is not as extensively celebrated in Ireland as it is in the United States or certain parts of the UK.

However, I can understand why St. Patrick's Day takes on a greater significance for Irish people living abroad. It serves as a way for them to proudly showcase their heritage and keep the spirit of their homeland alive. For those who grew up in places like Manchester, with strong Irish communities and cultural influences, St. Patrick's Day becomes a time to sing, shout, and celebrate their Irish roots with enthusiasm. Being away from home, there is a profound sense of pride and connection that comes from celebrating one's heritage across the pond.


St. Patrick's Day holds different meanings for Irish people, whether they are celebrating it in Ireland or abroad. While the festivities may be more subdued in its country of origin, the holiday provides an opportunity for Irish diaspora to reconnect with their heritage and proudly display their Irish identity. St. Patrick's Day is a celebration of the rich history, language, and culture that define Ireland, and its significance transcends borders, bringing people together in a shared sense of pride and belonging.

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