Wok This Way: Vegan Food Truck Gears Up for NCAA Men's Final Four Event

Wok This Way, a local vegan and vegetarian food truck, is excited to be part of the NCAA Men's Final Four event. With their inclusive and environmentally-friendly approach, they are ready to make a positive impact at the festival.

Wok This Way: Vegan Food Truck Gears Up for NCAA Men's Final Four Event

Wok This Way: Vegan Food Truck Gears Up for NCAA Men's Final Four Event - -664400408

( Credit to: Azfamily )

Wok This Way, a local vegan and vegetarian food truck in the Valley, is getting ready to bring their delicious plant-based dishes to the NCAA Men's Final Four event. With just 13 days until the festivities kick off on April 5th, the owners, Kris Mill and her nephew Jake Lipovitch, are thrilled to be part of the excitement.

Having been in operation for seven years, Wok This Way has worked hard to establish themselves in the local community. Last year, they were part of the NFL Business Connect Program, and now they are gearing up for another big event: the NCAA March Madness Music Festival.

Reflecting on their growth over the past year, Kris Mill expressed her surprise and gratitude, stating, "I would've never thought that in the past year that we would've grown so much." Mill and Lipovitch are proud to serve as an example of fair employment, particularly for individuals like Lipovitch, who was born with Down Syndrome.

The Impact of Super Bowl Business Connect Program on Wok This Way

The success of Wok This Way can be attributed in part to their participation in the Super Bowl Business Connect Program, which promotes diversity and inclusion by connecting small businesses to valuable resources. Mill acknowledges the program's impact on their business, stating, "If it wasn't for them, we definitely wouldn't be part of the NCAA Music Festival and all of the different caterings that we've started to obtain since the Super Bowl."

Excitement and Challenges of the NCAA Music Festival

The NCAA Music Festival, located at Margaret T. Hance Park near Central and Culver Street, presents a unique opportunity for Wok This Way to connect with the community and showcase their zero-waste, all-green food truck. However, Mill notes that the festival requires a more substantial application process compared to the Super Bowl, with fewer food trucks and vendors in attendance.

Despite the challenges, Mill and Lipovitch are excited to be part of the festival and are looking forward to having fun. Lipovitch, who loves DJ music, will be working on the truck during the event, adding to the vibrant atmosphere. "He makes it not be work," Mill remarks, emphasizing the joy that Lipovitch brings to their business.

Making a Positive Impact at the NCAA Men's Final Four Event

As Wok This Way prepares to serve their delicious vegan and vegetarian dishes to the Final Four attendees, they are grateful for the opportunities they have received and the chance to showcase their inclusive and environmentally-friendly approach. With their hard work, resilience, and dedicated team, Wok This Way is ready to make a positive impact at the NCAA Men's Final Four event.

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