Delicious Meat Dishes to Enjoy During Dashain Festival in Nepal

Indulge in a variety of mouthwatering meat dishes during the Dashain festival in Nepal, including Chhoila, Sekuwa, chicken curry, Sukuti, and more. Experience the flavors and traditions of this festive season.

Delicious Meat Dishes to Savor During Dashain Festival in Nepal

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Dashain, the biggest festival in Nepal, is a time of joy and celebration. Families come together to enjoy each other's company and indulge in delicious food. For meat lovers, Dashain is an especially exciting time as it offers a wide variety of mouthwatering meat dishes to savor.

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One popular dish among meat lovers is Chhoila. This flavorful appetizer is traditionally made with buffalo meat but can also be prepared with other types of meat. Chhoila is often served with beaten rice (chiura) and comes in two variations: Mana Chhoila, which is boiled meat, and Haku Chhoila, which is blackened meat cooked over fire. You can find this delicious dish at the Newari Kitchen.

Another sought-after dish during Dashain is Sekuwa, the Nepali version of barbecue. Made with pork, lamb, goat, chicken, or a combination of meats, Sekuwa is a popular delicacy in eastern Nepal and Kathmandu. Roots Eatery is one place where you can enjoy a scrumptious plate of Sekuwa.

Classic Chicken Curry: A Staple Dish of Dashain

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No Dashain celebration is complete without a classic chicken curry. This simple yet delicious dish is loved by Nepalis and meat lovers alike. It is a staple during Dashain and can be found in almost every household and restaurant. Roots Eatery is one place where you can enjoy a flavorful chicken curry.

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Sukuti: A Flavorful Dried Meat Snack

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For those who enjoy dried meat, Sukuti is a must-try. Marinated with spices and dried over fire or in the sun, Sukuti is often served as an appetizer or added to noodle dishes like chowmein for an extra crunch. Roots Eatery is a great place to savor this flavorful snack.

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Duck Chhoila: A Smoky Delight

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While buffalo chhoila is popular in Kathmandu, duck chhoila (Hans ko Choila) is more authentic to the towns surrounding the valley. The smoky flavor of wood-fire barbecued duck, combined with the aroma of roasted mustard oil and a variety of spices, makes this dish a favorite among meat lovers. Sa: Sa: is a restaurant where you can try this delicious dish.

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Nhyapu Tisyu: A Unique Delicacy

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For those who like to explore unique dishes, Nhyapu Tisyu is a must-try. This dish consists of buffalo brains and bone marrow, which have a creamy texture and melt in your mouth. Sa: Sa: is one place where you can indulge in this unique delicacy.

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Jhuku: An Adventurous Dish

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Another dish that may not be widely available but is rich in flavor is Jhuku. It is made from boiled, diced, and fried intestines with white blood cells. While it may not be for everyone, those who love to experiment with food will enjoy this dish. Sa: Sa: is a restaurant where you can find Jhuku.

Mutton Curry: A Highly Anticipated Delicacy

Mutton curry is a highly anticipated delicacy during Dashain. As goat sacrifices are common during this festival, mutton curry becomes a staple dish for many Nepali families. It is typically consumed on the eighth day of Dashain, known as Ashtami. The combination of fenugreek seeds, fresh bay leaves, and Nepali spices makes this dish a favorite among meat lovers. You can find mutton curry at Village Cafe.

Mutton Sekuwa: Grilled Goat Meat Delight

Mutton Sekuwa is another grilled goat meat delicacy that meat lovers should not miss. It is flavored with hints of chili, lime, and Sichuan pepper, and cooked on charcoal for a smoky taste. It pairs well with local Dashain drinks and is perfect for enjoying while playing cards. Village Cafe is a great place to savor this dish.

Mutton Kawaf or Kebab: A Fusion Appetizer

Combining Indian and Nepali cuisines, Mutton Kawaf or Kebab is a popular appetizer during Dashain. It offers a meaty delight with flavors of mild paprika, ginger-garlic marinade, and turmeric. This dish is exclusively served at Village Cafe and is a must-try for meat lovers.

Conclusion: A Memorable Dashain Filled with Good Food and Great Company

Dashain is not only a time for family and festivities but also a time to indulge in a variety of delicious meat dishes. Whether it's Chhoila, Sekuwa, chicken curry, Sukuti, duck chhoila, Nhyapu Tisyu, Jhuku, mutton curry, mutton sekuwa, or mutton kawaf, there is something for every meat lover to enjoy during this festive season. So, make sure to try these mouthwatering dishes and have a memorable Dashain filled with good food and great company.

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