Life in Rural France: A Journey of Discovery

Join Kylie Lang on an exciting journey through the charming countryside of France, as she uncovers hidden gems, fascinating stories, and the essence of French history and culture.

Life in Rural France: A Journey of Discovery

Life in Rural France: A Journey of Discovery - 178970495

( Credit to: Isstories )

Embark on an exciting journey through the charming countryside of France with Kylie Lang as your guide. Discover hidden gems, fascinating stories, and the essence of French history and culture. Get ready for a captivating exploration like no other.

Kylie Lang, a British Expat living in the picturesque Charente region, shares her extensive travels and uncovers the secrets of France. From medieval villages frozen in time to coastal towns renowned for their delectable seafood, she reveals the true essence of this enchanting country.

As a self-proclaimed history geek, Kylie unearths intriguing facts about France that will leave you wanting to learn more. Did you know that the croissant, often associated with French cuisine, did not actually originate in France? Or that the court at Versailles never wore the same pair of shoes twice? Prepare to be amazed by these captivating stories.

Food Festivals and French Delights

Indulge your taste buds as Kylie takes you on a culinary adventure through the food festivals of France. From the quest to find the best French cheeses to the origins of the famous apple dessert, Tarte Tatin, get ready to savor the flavors of France.

But what is a journey through France without a discussion on wine? Kylie explores the history of champagne, what makes cognac so special, and which region of France boasts the finest wines. Get ready to raise your glass and toast to the rich wine culture of France.

Life in a Small Village

Join Kylie as she shares her experiences of living in a small village in rural France. From her trips to the local boulangerie for fresh bread to her encounters with fabulous French wine, she provides a glimpse into the joie de vivre of French life.

With unexpected discoveries and delightful surprises along the way, Kylie's podcast promises to be anything but boring. Get ready to immerse yourself in the charm and beauty of rural France, and let Kylie Lang be your guide to this enchanting world.

Get Ready for an Enchanting Journey

Whether you're planning a trip to France or simply have a love for all things French, Life in Rural France is the perfect podcast for you. Transport yourself to the idyllic countryside, immerse yourself in French culture, and discover the hidden treasures of this captivating country.

Life in Rural France launches on March 19th and can be found on popular platforms such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Don't miss out on this opportunity to experience the charm and beauty of France from the comfort of your own home. Bon voyage!

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